chiwendu ikewuibe
10 min readJun 14, 2021


an image illustrating fasting glucose level

Glucose is Everyone’s Business

Lowering blood sugar should be a major concern for everyone who lives the typical lifestyle of fast food, no exercise and bad habits. Simply by knowing what causes high blood sugar can help you avoid diabetes.

Glucose, or blood sugar, is a necessary part of functioning, responsible for the processing of food for the body’s energy requirements. The pancreas produces the insulin necessary to move that glucose into the cells where it can be used for energy, Highly processed and refined foods made of simple carbohydrates are quickly transformed into glucose. This causes a dramatic increase in blood sugar. The pancreas must then produce a great amount of insulin to move the excess glucose out of the bloodstream. This often overtaxes the pancreas and with constant consumption of high glycemic foods, the pancreas can burn itself out leading to diabetes with the hectic pace of life that most of us live, we eat foods that are easy to digest but have a bad effect on our health. A diet of whole foods, consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables helps regulate and keep blood sugar in balance. But quick breakfasts consisting of sugar and lunches filled with fat do little toward a healthy balance in glucose.

Fasting Blood Glucose Level Test, Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS)

Fasting Blood Glucose Level Test, Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS) — both are synonymous terms referring to the same compound — glucose test — in many words and the same style. Fasting in English refers, to the situation where one abstains or refrains from food of any kind overnight or any other period except water; and for purposes of confirming, fasting should take a minimum of 8 hours overnight for this test to have any meaning. Early in the morning the next day by 7 o’clock, the patient should be heading to the laboratory for the blood glucose test. It is a reliable simple test preferred by many health workers. It is not affected by age or activities surrounding the patient and maybe repeated after a while to further verify results.

Table of Content

1. Fasting Blood Glucose Level Test, Fasting Blood Sugar Test (FBS)

2. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS or Fasting Glucose)

3. Why is this Significant?

4. When Do You Start a Fasting Diet?

5. Diabetes Mellitus and Normal Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

6. Normal Levels of Fasting Sugar


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Since glucose behaves like elastic; increasing and decreasing depending on circumstances one is subjected to, patient fasting speaks volumes in spelling out how much glucose is above or below normal after 8 hours. The test is taken before any morning meals are taken lest it spoils the average expected figure for a good 8-hour sleep.

Why fast? Fasting as a matter of principle triggers the pancreas to release hormones that talk to the liver to start digesting its stored product glycogen into glucose for use in energy production during the night. The sequence of events is dynamic; the same pancreas will respond on short notice, by releasing insulin to manage any excesses of glucose and level it up. The gear inserted under normal circumstances, is the levelling up and resultant stability, whereas in diabetic cases the scenario is unfortunate. Glucose will rise above normal and upon testing will exhibit a positive diagnosis of the disease for the simple reason; insulin is missing or not enough to fight the struggle. Time and again we are reminded of sugar excesses termed in medical terms hyperglycemia and deficiency hypoglycemia that medication is only a temporary measure while in real terms behaviour change is the answer.

The few drops of blood taken for testing will assist in determining how the body is breaking down food and converting it into simpler units for use by the many muscles in various organs of the body. It is also going to give an indication of the liver — the most complex organ of the body- on how it is working; plus the main regulator now — the pancreas — that raises the red flag at all times policing the blood glucose level violation. Even though many other tests have been pointed out to assist in determining health status on matters of sugar control, the fasting blood sugar test (FBS) remains a very reliable test that I give 10 points on a scale of 1 to 10.

In summary, when this test is done, a blood glucose level higher than 125mg/dl is confirmed as diabetic; 100mg/dl is mild diabetic while a level of 70mg/dl is normal. In a case of less than 70mg/dl, the situation is hypoglycemia.

Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS or Fasting Glucose)

A test that measures blood sugar levels. Elevated levels are associated with diabetes and insulin resistance, in which the body cannot properly handle sugar (e.g. obesity).“The fasting level of blood glucose is the fasting blood sugar level and it refers to the level of blood glucose during the period of total abstinence from any food or drink. It is the level that indicates the true energy state of the body, which might not be a true reflection of the energy state that occurs during the rest of the day. However, fasting blood glucose is referred to by the medical profession to refer to the fasting blood glucose level as this is the baseline level that is considered normal. It represents the fasting level of blood glucose. However, it is not a good measure of actual blood glucose levels. When the level of blood glucose is significantly higher than this level, it is termed hyperglycaemia or hyperglycaemia. In the absence of any food or drink, the level of blood glucose is between 95–104 mg/dl. When glucose levels exceed 110–119 mg/dl, it is termed hyperglycaemia. When glucose levels are significantly above 119 mg/dl, it is termed diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus. When blood glucose levels fall below 95 mg/dl, it is termed hypoglycaemia.”


“With a good, healthy and balanced diet, blood glucose levels do not fall as low as this. So this indicates that the normal fasting blood glucose level is between 94–96 mg/dl, which is considered to be a healthy level. The fasting blood glucose level is a reliable measure of the metabolic state of the body, and an average fasting blood glucose level is considered to be the healthiest level.”

WHEN DO YOU START A FASTING DIET? “A fast is considered to be a period of complete abstinence from food or drink, except the drunk water. It is usually performed for at least 24 hours, but for a few hours (for example, 12 to 16 hours) or a shorter period (4 to 8 hours), it may be performed. Each of these timing of meals is used for different reasons. So, if you decide to go on a fasting diet, you should first establish the purpose of your fast.”

Diabetes Mellitus and Normal Fasting Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus is a disease consisting of high sugar or glucose levels in blood. The organ pancreas produces the hormone insulin that regulates metabolism and blood sugar levels. Insulin breaks down the carbohydrates consumed by us, supplying the body cells with metabolized glucose, energizing the cells and facilitating day to day tasks by the body. Sometimes insufficient insulin is secreted by beta-cells of the pancreas, and thus fails to meet the body’s requirement. This leads to surplus sugar in blood and Type 1 diabetes. Often when too much of carbohydrates are taken in, it urges the pancreas to secrete more insulin.

Excess production of insulin may render the body cells non-reactive to insulin. This leads to Type 2 diabetes. Another type, Gestational diabetes occurs in women during pregnancy. Heredity, obesity, stress and tension, lack of physical activity, over-consumption of carbohydrates, some disease of pancreas are factors that may lead to diabetes. Diabetes for a prolonged period can be life-threatening, for it may cause cardiovascular disorders, renal failures, damage of retina and neuropathy.

Symptoms of Diabetes

1. Increased urination
2. Increased hunger
3. Increased thirst
4. Fatigue
5. Sweating
6. Trembling
7. Blurred vision
8. Exceptional loss of weight
9. Slow wound healing
10. Irritability
11. Itching around genitals.

Normal Levels of Fasting Sugar

Blood sugar levels depend on the amount of food we consume, and the time when the assay takes place. In a normal person, blood sugar is regulated by the hormone insulin secreted by our pancreas. Insulin burns down glucose and supplies energy to the body cells in the process. Twelve hours generally pass between our dinner and the next day’s first meal or breakfast. Our body fasts when we sleep. Four hours after dinner and the eight hours of sleep comprises of the twelve hours when our body is fasting. We break the fast when we consume our breakfast or the first meal of the day. Our blood glucose level is lowest of the day before breakfast, that is, when our body is on fast. The readings indicate the quantity of glucose or sugar circulating in blood when the person is in empty stomach. Thus it is the appropriate time to measure the fasting blood sugar level. Normal fasting blood sugar should be less than 100 mg/L in males and 83 mg/L in females.

In other words, the normal blood sugar should range between 70 to 100 mg/L (milligrams per deciliter). In case of pre-diabetes, the fasting sugar readings are between 100 mg/L to 125 mg/L. It indicates an impaired insulin mechanism within the body, and the patient really needs to worry, and take steps for putting a check on blood sugar in its incipient stage. If the readings are above 125 mg/L, the patient is a full fledged diabet, and immediately needs to see a doctor.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF A FASTING DIET? “The benefit of going on a fasting diet is to trigger the metabolic arrest of the cells in the liver, skeletal muscle and other organs. This then results in a state of chronic low-level inflammation and stress in these organs, and it is for this reason that fasting is known to cause weight loss, low cholesterol, reduce the level of abdominal fat and can protect against a wide range of diseases.”


A single instance of high blood sugar may not be the cause for undue alarm. However, when blood sugars remain high for an extended period in diabetes the following symptoms often show up.

· Skin infections

· Slow-healing cuts and sores

· Decreased vision

· Nerve damage causing painful cold or insensitive feet, loss of hair on the lower extremities, and/or erectile dysfunction

· Stomach and intestinal problems such as chronic constipation or diarrhoea


Low blood sugar can be problematic for diabetics simply because it provides a profound sense of lethargy. Consider these side effects of hypoglycemia.

· fatigue

· insomnia

· mental confusion

· nervousness

· mood swings

· faintness

· headaches

· depression

· phobias

· heart palpitations

· a craving for sweets

· cold hands and feet

· forgetfulness

· dizziness

· blurred vision

· inner trembling

· outbursts of temper

· sudden hunger

· allergies

· crying spells

The Answer?

To keep a balance in your body’s blood sugars you will need to use a glucose monitor to gauge where you stand with blood glucose issues. The Mayo Clinic offers the following reasons to use a blood glucose monitor (meter).

“Glucose meters require that you prick your finger or alternative site and put a drop of blood on a test strip that is inserted into the meter. Testing regularly allows you to look for patterns to see if your blood glucose is in a safe range. If not, a change in diet, increase exercise, or a visit to your healthcare provider for medication to lower blood sugar and your risk of complications may be needed.

“Blood glucose monitoring can also tell you if your blood sugar is too low, a potentially dangerous situation that requires you to eat or drink something with 10–15 grams of carbohydrates.”

The Offer

At diabetic life, we have developed strategic partnerships that allow us to provide a no-cost (free) option for managing your blood glucose levels. As a diabetic, you are invited to request a free blood glucose monitor. WebMD suggests, “Everyone with diabetes should test their blood sugar, or glucose levels regularly. Knowing your blood glucose levels allows you to alter your diabetes management strategy if your levels aren’t near your target blood glucose.”

We understand that economic conditions have forced many diabetics to struggle with their managed care. Some are regrettably reducing medication intake and neglecting certain aspects of their care specifically due to costs. We hope that the offer of a free blood glucose meter can provide some much-needed help in allowing you to stay within your managed goals while keeping your diabetes in balance.

Goal values:

  • Less than 100 mg/dL = normal
  • Between 110–125 mg/dL = impaired fasting glucose (i.e., prediabetes)
  • Greater than 126 mg/dL on two or more samples = diabetes


This test requires a 12-hour fast. You should wait to eat and/or take a hypoglycemic agent (insulin or oral medication) until after the test has been drawn unless told otherwise.

Eating and digesting foods called carbohydrates forms glucose (blood sugar). Glucose is needed by your body to provide energy to carry out your normal activities. Insulin is needed by the body to allow glucose to go into the cells and be used as energy. Without insulin, the levels of glucose in the blood will rise. Diabetes is a disease that occurs when either the pancreas (an organ in your body) is not able to produce insulin or the pancreas makes insulin, but it does not work as it should. Fasting blood sugar is a part of diabetic evaluation and management. An FBS greater than 126 mg/dL on more than one occasion usually indicates diabetes.


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